вторник, 13 августа 2019 г.

Аэропорт Гонконга второй день подряд отменяет рейсы из-за акции протеста: её участники заблокировали вход в здание

Feeling how the disruption to business as usual in this city right now is also having a positive impact: a rising of connection.

Witnessing demonstrators and tourists chatting, business people and students talking. While there’s frustration and disagreement too, there is dialogue.

I noticed on my flight back to Hong Kong today how the disruption of the delay led to people engaging with each other. During the 17 hour wait for our flight to take off, strangers became friends.. it didn’t matter who was in business or economy, we were all stuck!

Tempers did fray and people were tired, but over all I could feel a rising of goodness - a feeling of humanity - within the disruption.

I don’t see this being portrayed in the mainstream news, which seems to be focused on sharing fear and blame. So I wanted to share here to give another perspective.

There is a charge in the air in this city, an aliveness I haven’t witnessed before here. I believe and I hope it can be channeled into constructive force for change 🙏🌎🇭🇰
#hongkong #demonstrations #hongkongprotests #people #connection #humanity

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