понедельник, 25 ноября 2013 г.

Meet the colors of the orient at an Astrakhan market

Вот такую фотосессию сделала фотограф Evgenia Kozlova на Больших Исадах (главный рынок в Астрахани). Просьба к тем, кто отлично шпрехает по-англицки, перевести текст.

1. From the very beginning of its existence, the Bolshiye Isady Market has played a role in Astrakhan’s (1400 km from Moscow) life as the city’s main center, teeming with activity. It appeared as early as the 16th-17th centuries next to the pier on the quiet Kutum River.

2. Initially, “isady” were the places where traders docked their boats on the shore to sell or exchange their goods for household or fishing items they needed in their villages. As opposed to other markets in Astrakhan, the Bolshiye Isady Market still maintains its unique character and ethnic zest to this day. “Lavash” and “churek”, the names of these delicious Caucasian breads, look very different from traditional Russian bread.

3. The most interesting time to visit it is early in the morning, before eight o’clock. The smell of Oriental foods waft in the air in front of the entrance to the market’s main building. In the summer months, traders’ shops are bursting with fresh, local fruits, such as grapes, apples, and plums.

4. During the whole month of August and the beginning of September, the market is overrun with watermelons. All over Russia, Astrakhan watermelons are considered to be the sweetest and juiciest.

5. In the market’s depths, fruits and vegetables give way to industrial and household products.

6. Preparation for the cold winter months is already underway even in the summer. Skillful masters create handmade traditional wool and knit wears behind the counters of their shops.

7. Gypsies, virtuosos of barter and trade, are always ready to come to buyers’ aide in selecting goods.

8. Colorfully-dressed girls offer clothes and household goods for sale at really low prices.

9. The Bolshiye Isady Market continues on Krasny Most (Red Bridge). Here domestic animals are sold: everything from geese to rabbits.

10. Pet lovers can find themselves a four-legged friend, a furry buddy, or cold-blooded companion.

11. Just beyond Krasny Most lies a genuine flea market.

12. Just like at the most famous flea markets of Europe, here you can buy antique housewares, collectible coins, and souvenirs with a history

13. Art lovers will admire the authentic paintings, photographs, and sketches.

Источник: http://rbth.co.uk/multimedia/pictures/20 13/09/17/meet_the_colors_of_the_orient_a t_an_astrakhan_market_29895.html